- ion2json
string ion2json(const(ubyte)[] data)
Converts Ion Value Stream data to JSON text.
- ion2jsonPretty
string ion2jsonPretty(const(ubyte)[] data)
Converts Ion Value Stream data to JSON text
- ion2msgpack
immutable(ubyte)[] ion2msgpack(const(ubyte)[] data)
Converts Ion binary data to MessagePack binary data.
- ion2text
string ion2text(const(ubyte)[] data)
Converts Ion Value Stream data to text.
- ion2textPretty
string ion2textPretty(const(ubyte)[] data)
Converts Ion Value Stream data to text
- json2ion
immutable(ubyte)[] json2ion(const(char)[] text)
Converts JSON Value Stream to binary Ion data.
- json2ion
void json2ion(const(char)[] text, Appender appender)
Convert an JSON value to a Ion Value Stream.
- json2ionStream
IonValueStream json2ionStream(const(char)[] text)
Converts JSON Value Stream to binary Ion data wrapped to IonValueStream.
- mir_json2ion (from mir.ion.internal.stage3)
void mir_json2ion(const(char)[] text, void delegate(IonErrorInfo, scope const ubyte[]) @(system) handle) via public
import mir.ion.internal.stage3 : mir_json2ion;
Undocumented in source.
- msgpack2ion
void msgpack2ion(const(ubyte)[] data, Appender appender)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- msgpack2ion
immutable(ubyte)[] msgpack2ion(const(ubyte)[] data)
Converts MessagePack binary data to Ion binary data.
- text2ion
immutable(ubyte)[] text2ion(const(char)[] text)
Convert an Ion Text value to a Ion data.
- text2ion
void text2ion(const(char)[] text, Appender appender)
Convert an Ion Text value to a Ion Value Stream.
- text2ionStream
IonValueStream text2ionStream(const(char)[] text)
Converts Ion Text Value Stream to binary Ion data wrapped to IonValueStream.
Conversion utilities.